My Nane is Sophal Sim, from Cambodia. I am a specialist in cultivating Volva Mushroom and making organic fertilizer. I am also the founder and Director of Hasco Cambodia, a organization working for children by giving them free education in English training. I live in a rural village, and work with mushroom cultivation work and teaching English and Maths to poor children there.
Every day I work with mushroom cultivation, mushroom cultivation teaching, making and testing organic fertilizer, especially liquid fertilizer and hormone for mushroom cultivation. I do not almost have free time. still, I try to take some minutes freeing away from work to play football and volleyball with children because it strengthens my body, my soul, and meet with some happy time.
I love mushroom very much. It is delicious and strentens your health. Cultivating volva mushroom and making natural fertilizer are not as easy as growing a tree. These are the enoygh reason making like making natural fertilizer and growing mushroom. Now the world is facing chemical toxican in food and fruits. A small corner we can maket to help the problem is using the natural fertilizer for growing crops for home use. I meant we try best to avoid the chemical substances making toxican in food and fruits.
I would like to thanks local and foreign visitors who have been visiting my site.
I am looking forward to see your comments, and try to answer about whatever I can solve.
Best Regards,
Sophal Sim
Owner of Sophal Mushroom House
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