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Fresh Products

In most countries in Southeast Asia, like Cambodia, Lao, or Myanmar, which are the developing countries, people living in rural areas have their own farm or a plot of land before or behind the house. It saves the family expenses and also gives natural taste. They save expenses by using organic compost and because it can be made themselves and costs less money.  
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Waste Is Not Compost

Waste doesn't mean Compost. It is just rotten debris and has no NPK.   In the picture, a farmer has used the waste of rotten rice straw with cow dunk. Is it sufficient to give the nutrient to crops? Compost has NPK to feed the crops since the first time watering. The wast straw and cow dunk need time, by watering frequently, to convert to compost. So it does not work as fast and effective as compost. So now you know the reason to choose which to use. 

Family Farming

  In the picture, a farmer is planting onion. He has used dried compost. He doesn't use any kind of chemical fertilizer because, he said, it does not make sense to give the natural taste, and especially causes his children's health.

Composting Rice Juice

 In most locations of the world, people eat cooked-rice. Before cooking, they always clean the rice grain with clean water. How can they use rice juice from cleaning the rice gran with water? In Thailand, Lao, Myanmar, and Cambodia people sometimes use rice juice to clean dishes and some other kitchen tools. Now I will tell you the advantages of making EM1 with rice juice.  1 liter of rice juice  15cc or EM 15cc or 15grams of Molasses How to make it? Put the Molasses into the rice juice. Stir it well  Put EM into the rice juice. Stir it well  Cover it with paper for 9 days in the a cold, safe place before using it to clean something in the kitchen or water crops.

Composting Grass and Tree Leaves

 Grass and tree leaves are the easiest materials that you can easily be found around your environment. You can use them to make organic compost for your crop.  See the below fact: Chopping rass5 kgs Chopping tree leaves 2 kgs Molasses 500 Grs EM 500 Grs Water 40L Mix them all in a tank or basin. Cover it in a cold, safe place for 7 to 15 days before using it with your crops. 

Corn Bran

There are so many places that produce the Corn bran in the form of family or micro-business in Cambodia. With the Cambodians' income, corn bran is available at 1200 to 1800 Riels on markets or at the local producer. corn bran is mainly used for making birds, animals, and fish. it can, however, be used for people meals as well. In addition, corn bran can be used to make compost for mushrooms and mushroom spawn.

Rice Bran

Everyone already knows rice bran is used to make food for birds, animals, and fish. But rice bran can also be used to make NPK and NH3 in compost. Rice bran has nutritious facts that almost all types of fertilizers can not do without it. In the right amount, bran will increase compost, increase nutrients, increase protein, NPK, which will increase the yield of rice, vegetables, flowers, and mushrooms. In moderation, rice bran will increase nutrients, increase protein, NPK in compost, which will increase the yield of rice, vegetables, flowers, and mushrooms, and tastes delicious, especially it does not affect human health.  In the present that the world is facing the COVID-19 crisis and chemical pollution, we should support organic products that use less or no chemical substances to keep farmers motivated to continue their jobs, and especially for being healthy.